Superior Silica Sands Exhaust Stack

On-time &safe completion

HVAC & Sheet Metal Fabrication Services for Factories in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Superior Silica Sands needed a new 56”-diameter exhaust stack fabricated and installed within a tight timeframe, and Ahern came through. While our scope of work originally included stack fabrication and delivery alone, installation was added to help meet the tough schedule. Within one week, our crews coordinated labor and closely reviewed safety protocol before using two cranes simultaneously to set materials in place 100 feet above the ground. Careful communication combined with our timely fabrication and installation allowed the owner to begin operations as planned.

Expertise Provided

Values Delivered

Schedule Assurance

  • 100% on-time completion

Budget Certainty

  • All work was completed within budget


  • No OSHA recordable events or lost-time injuries