The Transition from Traditional Hard Hats to Safety Helmets
Traditionally, construction workers wear hard hats, a symbol of safety. As one of the oldest and most widely used pieces of personal protective equipment on the job, the traditional hard hat is the first line of defense when preventing head injuries. In combination with first-hand knowledge, new data, and new technology, Ahern is setting new standards for head protection. In December 2021, Ahern began transitioning from hard hats to safety helmets.
Ahern’s Chief Safety Officer, Dustin Rusch, weighs in, “Safety helmets provide additional protection on the front, sides, and rear of the helmet, something not previously available in traditional hard hats. There is now a high-density foam liner that better absorbs impact. Safety helmets provide an increased level of protection during falls, trips, and slips by keeping head protection in place. Traditional hard hats are prone to fall off a worker's head prior to impact, or when bending forward or looking up.” After an in-depth evaluation of several different types of helmets, Ahern has selected the Milwaukee Tool Safety Helmet as its new standard helmet. “While there are many reasons why we are improving head protection at Ahern, we look no further than what’s most important and what matters most. Safety is the most important thing we do at Ahern, and what matters most is sending our workforce home safe each and every day.”
Safety Helmets Importance:
- The construction industry has the greatest number of both fatal and nonfatal traumatic brain injuries. Keeping our employees as safe as possible is our first priority.
- Hard hats were created over 50 years ago and needed a safety upgrade due to work conditions and safety focuses.
- Helmets provide better protection compared to hard hats because of their additional features.
- These helmets will always be worn correctly by our employees because of their commitment to safety and knowledge of the importance of PPE.
- Hard hats only provide protection for the top of the head; so side protection or chin straps keep the helmets on the head of the employees when they are bending down or maneuvering on the job site.