Day of Caring Community Event

United Way Day of Caring

On August 14, Ahern employees from our Menomonie office volunteered for the Day of Caring event hosted by United Way of Dunn County. The United Way Day of Caring is a day to mobilize groups to volunteer throughout the community to complete various service projects such as painting...
2019 Award Honoree

Ahern Recognized as a Leader in Sustainability

Ahern was named the 2019 Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) Leadership in Sustainability Award Honoree. The award is one of many that the AFE bestows through the AFE Honors™ program.
Fall Career Fair

Fall 2019 Career Fairs and Campus Events

Throughout the year, Ahern representatives attend a number of career fairs and campus events. Be sure to mark your calendars and see for yourself why you should join the Ahern team!