MarkWest Seneca Processing Facility
Experienced &certified team
Pipe Fabrication Services for Power Plants in Ohio
Ahern’s experience with radiography requirements, along with a quick turn delivery schedule, helped land the pipe fabrication work for the MarkWest Seneca gas processing facility in Summerfield, OH. Installation of the piping in the compressor building was critical due to the schedule of enclosing the building walls. Ahern’s accurate fabrication of 324 spools, totaling 171,160 pounds, helped the piping fit the first time with minor adjustments and no rework, ultimately avoided installation delays. The project was finished after the estimated completion date due to an engineering redesign. Ahern revised the delivery dates for the piping in that area only, affecting the last of the six total loads.
Expertise Provided
Values Delivered
- Ahern’s field crew averaged 12 years of industry experience
- Ahern’s staff held certified welding inspector (CWI) certification which benefitted this specific project
- Ahern’s X-ray pass rate was 96%
Meeting Deadlines
5 of 6 load shipments arrived on-time; the last shipment was delayed due to engineer’s redesign
- No OSHA recordable events or lost-time injuries