Verbio North America Campus


The Verbio Nevada Biorefinery is the first industrial-scale renewable natural gas (RNG) facility in North America using agricultural residues as its feedstock. Ahern installed 2,500 sprinkler heads and underground piping at Verbio. The crew installed 3,800 ft. of 8” pipe in an underground loop around the stover building.

Verbio purchased a 106-acre parcel of land northwest of the main plant to increase storage and develop a railroad spur. With limited water supply, Ahern engineered a water infrastructure plan, complete with design and drawings, to supply the area with water for current needs and expansion into the future. The installation included a 263,000-gallon water storage tank that is three times the size of the town’s water tower and a fire pump capable of running without electricity. The crew also installed 2,700 sprinkler heads in an additional storage building on the new greenfield site. Ahern provided additional fire protection, including fire alarm, detection and suppression in the dust collection system, and explosion protection. The team overcame cold temperatures, rough grades, and a tight building schedule to complete the project safely and on time.

Expertise Provided

Values Delivered

Schedule Assurance

  • Project completed on time


  • Zero lost-time injuries or OSHA recordables

Customer Testimonial

"Verbio is the biggest project in our community. Being able to work directly with the Ahern staff and help them understand our fire department operations as they integrate into massive structures is a critical partnership. That partnership has developed into an open communication line where I know I can call industry experts when I have a question about projects in our community. This will lead to safer communities and fewer property losses to fire."  - Ray Reynolds, City of Nevada Fire Chief