Pipe Fabrication Services for Power Plants in the Wausau Area
An unexpected transition from one project manager to another did not delay the WPS ReACT power generation project in Rothschild, WI. In fact, Ahern’s Pipe Fabrication team was able to finish one month ahead of schedule. Fabricating 3” to 8” carbon steel piping, totaling 55 spools at 24,880 pounds altogether, 20 fab shop welders worked diligently to meet the anticipated deadline. Additional internal processes that aided in meeting the project deadline was hosting pre-plan meetings with drafting, material control, quality control, and the shop to coordinate all activities.
Expertise Provided
Values Delivered
- Only 1 out of 55 spools had quality-related CRPs
- No warranty rework was required
Issue Resolution
- Internal change of project managers did not delay project completion
Meeting Deadlines
- Project was completed one month ahead of schedule
- 100% on-time load delivery
- No OSHA recordable events or lost-time injuries